DK Systems designs, installs, services and monitors Burglar Alarm Systems, Security Systems and Fire Systems to meet the needs of the client. DK Systems provides services for residential and commercial jobs, both new construction and finished construction. DK Systems is located in the Coachella Valley and provides service to La Quinta, Palm Desert, Indio, Indian Wells, Bermuda Dunes, Rancho Mirage, Coachella, Cathedral City, Palm Springs, Desert Hot Springs & Thousand Palms. At DK Systems, our goal is to give customers the best service.
It was a beautiful morning to Paint El Paseo Pink
Happy New Year Remember, safety first.Driving through some neighborhoods I saw boxes of all the TV's, gadgets and expensive electronic devices/toys setting on/alongside the trash bins. This advertises to thieves what is inside the house. Reduce your risk for burglary/ robbery by breaking down boxes and fold them so the inside of the box is exposed.
Check out page 22 of the La Quinta Gem, November issue. Click the link for the online article, "CHANGE YOUR CLOCK AND BATTERIES".https:// gcvchamber/docs/ cityoflq_gem_nov ember18__10x10_ _web/22
Most burglars want to avoid being seen or caught by a resident (or neighbor), which is why most burglaries occur during the day. Thieves may watch your home to learn your routine or they may knock on the door to determine if someone is home. Monitored alarm systems are a great way to keep burglars at bay.
Thieves will choose the most convenient way to enter your home. They are likely to enter through back or side doors/windows because there is less of a chance of someone seeing them breaking in. Keep those gates to the backyard locked. The more you can do to slow a thief down, the less chance they will succeed at getting into your home. Thieves want quick and easy. Locked gates will also reduce the chance of your pets getting out.