At Gaelic Electric, we ensure prompt service for our residential, commercial, and industrial customers. From basic electrical wiring to more complex jobs, we have the expertise necessary to complete your job in a timely manner. Check out our gallery to view some of our projects. Whether it be your hearth, your home, your rental property, or your place of business, Electrical Contractors Carpinteria knows that finding the right electrical contractor for your electrical needs is critical. We choose to remain a small company so we can invest time and attention to your unique circumstance.
Gratitude costs nothing and is the antedote for stress, anxiety, and even despair. Being grateful creates balance, contentment, peace, perspective, and well being. We are thankful for our many loyal customers. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!
El Nino tip: Once a serge protector does its job during an electrical event/surge, you need to replace it.
Do you ever feel like you’d absolutely love your living room if only you didn’t have an extension cord against the wall? When you need an outlet where one doesn’t exist, we’re always happy to install it for you.
Your household appliances run on either a direct current or alternating current system which refers to how the current varies in time. A direct current, such as that produced by a battery, is a single directional flow starting with the positive and moving to the negative.
Did you know that electrical fires kill nearly 500 people every year, according to statistics from the U.S. Fire Administration? The scariest part of faulty electrical wiring is that the problem may not immediately be apparent.