There was a time when builders could frame a house with little more than a broad ax to fell trees and hew them square, and a knife with which to whittle wooden pegs that joined the great posts and beams. It took dozens of neighbors to help raise those massive frames, so at every stage, house-building took great skill, close collaboration and constant communication. Times and tools change, but we'd like to think that straight talk, mutual respect and integrity still have great value to everyone who designs and builds homes, or lives in them.
Mediterraneo Builders, based in Redwood City, has been building and remodeling homes in the Bay Area since 1991, working closely with homeowners and architects on more than 160 projects. The way we see it, building a home is less about assembling materials than it is about joining people and getting the best out of each of them. Ultimately, you can't separate the quality of the people from the quality of the product. We're not the cheapest builder, but we are one of the best. For homeowners who value quality and process over price, we might be a great partner.
"OUR CONTACT INFORMATION Mediterraneo Design Build 3475 Edison Way, Suite C Menlo Park, CA 94025info@mediterran eodesignbuild.c om 650-368-1361 " VISIT http:// www.homeremodeli FOR MORE DETAILS
We have been "Building Trust" in the Bay Area for 19+ years.Visit us at for more info
A large part of many of our projects come from our industry partners due to our impeccable reputation for ensuring highest standards
Mediterraneo Design Build, is a construction company in Menlo Park, California serving the Bay Area since 1991.
View our project work for this kitchen interiors.http:// www.homeremodeli images_interior/ interior_3.jpg
We believe working in the Bay Area communities means being part of it and giving back to those communities.
We give & accept constructive critique of work-product.We provide specific suggestions for improvement rather than merely identifying flaws.for more info visit http:// www.mediterraneo /
We utilize our design & construction expertise to ensure the remodeling results we achieve have the look and functionality that you desire
Please visit our website at to learn more about our completed projects and our full range of services.
In any remodeling project, it is truly essential that the effect of the changes made mesh perfectly with the existing home.