Our Lehi lawn care mowing services focus on creating beautiful lawn patterns in addition to a nice crisp edge. Our weekly lawn mowing service is the perfect way to give your lawn that professional look that you crave. If for any reason, you feel you're not absolutely, Positively 100% happy with our work, I won't be happy either. I will not rest until we make it right. I will immediately send my team to fix the problem with no questions asked. If it's still not good enough we will pay a competitor of your choosing to fix it for you.
Utah County has chosen Green Grounds as their "Go-To" company for all of their lawn care needs because of our best-in-class quality, expertly trained employees, and outstanding customer satisfaction. We tailor your service package to meet the specific needs of your lawn and landscape. Our team of lawn care professionals will go through a 21-Point checklist to guarantee your lawn is treated to the highest quality of work. These are just a few of the reasons our customers call us again and again. We have the strongest guarantee in the state.
Have you seen these PINK TRUCKS? We are a local lawn care company looking to help out our neighbors this season. La… https://t.co/a1FtgAhmLE
Sick of dandelions? Here is a quick tip of a solution that we use to get rid of dandelions. https://t.co/PFTyuBoR2k https://t.co/cafRR7Buoq
☀Spring is finally here!!☀ If you need a hand Mowing or Spring Cleaning this year we would love to help out. https://t.co/ljPZoP4hWb
NOW is the time to get your first lawn fertilizer application down. Here is a great tip on when to apply a pre-emer… https://t.co/n0AcmMfDEi
Liquid Aeration Estimate https://t.co/z5u5WoxvTA https://t.co/xbges4RCU6 https://t.co/o6aiLkru0T… https://t.co/l1Kdp6LfSP