Lil' Stinky is a trusted name in septic tank pumping, installation, and repair. We provide complete septic service for Portland and surrounding areas. We have been in business for over 20 years with 25 years experience in the industry. Our unparalleled service, competitive prices, and overall value are why our loyal customers won't go anywhere else. Our friendly & knowledgeable staff is here 24/7 to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to serving you!
You name it, we install it. From ATT systems, to basic tank replacements. We can replace and repair any component related to your septic system including but not limited to: boxes, drain field, inlet/outlet lines, and of course, the tanks themselves! Alternative Treatment Technologies (or ATT) are a more advanced system for the treatment of waste. ATTs are a great options for small spaces, places that other systems aren't approved, or just as a more intelligent system than your existing septic tank.
Tune in to our IG Live today at 12 pm pacific for a live showing of our SeptiSmart class discussing everything you need to know about owning a septic system! • • •#lilstinky #environmentalse rvice #drainfield #septic #canby #oregoncity #clackamas #homeinspection #septicpumping #boring #att #...
We are sending out a million thanks to our local Safeway for providing our employees with some sanitary products to keep us safe during this Covid Pandemic. Together we will continue to keep our community a safe place to live and work! • •#Safeway #Covid #PPE #lilstinky #environmentalse rvice #...
Still Business as Usual Here! • We will continue to provide you with septic services through this Pandemic! Dont hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions or if you need anything from basic maintenance pumping, to full system replacements! WE ARE STILL DOING IT ALL, and are here to take...
Have you ever wondered why your tank looks full, despite being recently pumped??? WELL, a tank should theoretically be 'full' all the time. This is the normal operating level for your tank! Maintanece pumping is necessary to clear out years of solid build up, but water and other liquids will fill...
Do you live in the molalla river water shed? If you do, then theres good news! Canby Utility has a payment assistance program for homeowners in the molalla river water shed that are in need of septic inspections or repairs! The above brochure has everything you need to know on the matter. Also, feel...