Let's face it. There are certain places in this world that are just too dirty for most people to think about, much less want to poke around in, like the innards of a septic tank, a grease trap or waste water lift station. We can pump from 25 gallons up to 25, 000 gallons, We have trucks that range from 2,500 to 8,000 gallons. At Enviro-Vac, we have the tools, and the stomach, to take care of these dirty but necessary components of daily living in Shreveport and do it efficiently and affordably. Some septic tank cleaning companies are prepared to handle residential jobs but won't touch commercial or industrial systems with a ten foot pole.
We have been working around the clock keeping our linemen and utility contractors toilets and showers serviced, so that they have somewhere to shower and use the restroom! We have also helped keep the hospitals operable by providing them with some top of the line portable toilets! We are here for...
Good morning! We are up and at it early this morning for you guys! Give us a call if we can be of assistance! Thank you guys for sticking around we appreciate each and every one of you!💩318-746-PUMP💩
😃Happy New Year, Happy New Truck! 🛻 We are always striving to have the best service to take care of our customers! Stay tuned for this one, it will be ready in no time! Give us a call today and start the new year off with a clean new Septic or Grease trap! 🎉💩 318-746-PUMP💩
We will be on call over the holidays! If you’re Aunt or Uncle has an accident, give us a call! We are the 💩’er scoopers! 318-746-PUMP We hope everyone has a 🎄 Merry Christmas! 🎁 and a Happy New Year! 🥳