Get professional, eco-friendly septic tank installation and repairs done on septic systems in Westport, CT. We keep our prices as low as possible, without compromising our exceptional service. We care about the impact water pollution has on the world around us. Untended septic systems can pollute your drinking water and ultimately contribute to the pollution of Long Island Sound. By nature, a healthy septic system is already environmentally conscious. The naturally-existing bacteria in your septic system removes disease-causing pathogens, bacteria, and chemicals from your wastewater every day.
EcoSeptic was founded in 2018 by Pat Minogue and Peter Gaboriault. They have worked together in the building industry for many years and bring that experience to this new venture along with a shared passion to help people understand their septic system better. Pat and Peter believe that making a difference starts at home. If every person in the state of CT, in New England, in the United States made a commitment to maintain their septic systems and stop pollution of the local waterways imagine how much cleaner our planet would be!
Are you searching for septic companies? Well, let us introduce ourselves - we are EcoSeptic a septic company based in Westport, CT. We provide top-quality and affordable septic service in Fairfield County. High quality isn't the only core value we have; EcoSeptic is an eco-conscious company. We consider the environment when providing septic service and 5% of our profits go to clean water services (such as Save the Sound and the Norwalk River Watershed Association). We believe in showing our customers how easy it can be to have a big positive impact on the environment - by simply keeping on track with a regular maintenance schedule and quickly resolving issues as they arise with your septic system, you can do your part to make local watersheds cleaner.