We offer quality stump grinding and uprooted tree removal service at affordable prices. 24-hour emergency storm damage and clean up service is also available. No stump grinding job is too big, too small or too tough! And your job will be done right! Our stump grinding professionals work fast and provide friendly, courteous service on every job. We will treat your property as if it is our own. Call us for a free estimate. When I get a call from one of my competitors to grind a stump that they can't handle, I know I must be doing something right!
The Stump King is a fully insured contractor offering stump grinding and uprooted tree removal services to both residential and commercial properties. We can grind the stumps and also repair the area with grass seed and loam as an option. Our stump grinder is self-propelled and will do no damage to your lawn. It will also fit between a 36 opening that other grinders cannot pass through. The Stump King is locally owned & operated in western MA. We have been in business for many years and have received excellent testimonials for our work.