Improve your landscape's safety and visual appeal with comprehensive tree services from A Cut Above Tree Service in Peoria, IL. Whether your trees need to be carefully trimmed or completely removed, we have the tools and experience necessary for the job. Our 60-foot bucket truck and expert climbers ensure we can reach even the highest or most out-of-the-way branches. We're on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in case of emergencies. Better yet, when we take on your job, you are fully covered with up to 2 million dollars in liability insurance!
One of the reasons that tree stumps remain after removing trees is that many tree-cutting and removing companies do not include stump removal as part of their service because it requires a greater range of equipment. If you have unsightly stumps left after the tree is gone, we can remove them.
The invention of the modern tree stump grinder is generally attributed to the American Gary J. Vermeer, who is noted for his many contributions to the agriculture industry. In 1956, he created the tree stump grinder and saved people from many hours of hard manual labor.
Physical stump removal, as opposed to chemical removal, is the most efficient way to completely remove a stump. Grinding down a tree stump to below ground level will solve the issue, and any remaining roots should eventually rot down.
There are many benefits to having your trees professionally pruned on a regular basis. Proper pruning can positively affect the health and longevity of a tree, as well as its overall appearance. This can also be an important safety measure to protect against falling limbs.
There are several important factors to consider when it comes to landscaping tree design. This includes everything from tree selection to placement planning, proper aeration, insect control, and lighting and shade considerations.