Use our interactive Service Area Map to find your water purveyor. Contact your water provider for questions about water rates, beginning or ending water service, meter reading, bill payment, service outages, water pressure and water quality. If it is a life threatening emergency call 911 first, then call your water provider. The SAJB Member Purveyors have someone on call at their main number or list a specific emergency number. Be sure you know where your main water shut-off valve is located and how to turn it off if needed.
Your gardening practices have everything to do with water quality. The impacts of gardening at the homeowner scale are realized through a cumulative effect. The chemical and fertilizer products you use on your landscape could end up in our drinking water through runoff or leaching. Leaching is a particular problem in the Spokane Valley, due to the permeable soils that overlie the Aquifer. If you over water, the chemicals and fertilizers are transported down through the soils and into the groundwater supply, instead of being taken up by plants.
It may flush but its not good for our water. Check it out.https:// SLTVqkXVvNk
WOW, the Spokane Aquifer Joint Board’s (SAJB) website has lots of aquifer education resources for teachers. Let us know how you are using the resources and if we can add any other information that would be of use to you and your students. https:// www.spokaneaquif sajb-teacher-res ources/
We love all the EnviroCertified and EnviroStars businesses in Spokane County that protect our environment while providing great services for the community. Find out who they are at www.EnviroCerti
Thanks to everyone who protects the aquifer by properly disposing of household and business waste.