C&M Water Systems has been serving Yuma County and the surrounding areas' residents for 30 years! Carl & Maryanna Kizer, the owners & grandparents, started the business in 1984. Carl has been in the water industry over 30 years, before that, he was in the air conditioning business for nine years. Carl & the family's real desire has always been to provide products to the homeowner that would keep them climatically comfortable with the air conditioning system for nine years, saving money with the load controller, and now providing our customers with clean, safe water for drinking cooks, and safe through-out their home.
Contador de litros de agua!!!! Administra tu consumo de agua, no desperdicies un liquido vital para la vida humana Si sufres de desabasto de agua, este dispositivo te indica en el momento que el agua llega a tu domicilio para que llenes tus reservas de agua Adquiere este magnifico producto desde...
Trabajamos para nuestros clientes
amigos en tu primer compra te incluye una actualización gratis y un descuento del sistema del 10 %, no te quedes sin tú control de agua, espéranos.