Lupe definitely started out in humble beginnings. As a daughter of migrant workers in the 1950's her first-hand experience of work gave her an edge in work ethic. For Lupe, never giving up and treating people right was golden. She is a happy person and offers more than just cleaning services. She offers a trustworthy soul that is naturally genuine that will make anyone feel they are being treated respectfully and fair. Lupe started cleaning homes in 1997, while working full-time in Lackland Air Force Base on San Antonio's southwest side.
Across the web, you may find it defined differently, but the concept is the same. In essence, the home has gone through a significant change, such as a remodeling or the previous tenants or owners have moved out, and you want to make the home ready to live in again. However, we like to separate Move-in/out cleaning and Make-ready cleaning because the home is always vacant for move-ins and outs. Make-ready cleaning, on the other hand, doesn't always mean the home is empty and could mean only a portion of the home needs cleaning.
You'll never have to devote time cleaning your home yourself or witness dust bunnies follow you into the next room. Instead, you can rest assured your home will look and feel its best. Maid service or what it's often called, "Regular Cleaning, " "Basic Cleaning, " or "Housekeeping" offers routine visits to your home. You can set up regular visits to clean your home. The most common option is bi-weekly cleaning, but there are options that are more consistent. Daily cleaning is hardly ever requested, however, 3-times a week, weekly, and monthly visits are other options that customers choose.
For one, it will relieve you from the stress that comes with moving out or into a home. With so much going on with moving, you'd like one thing taken care of for you and that's cleaning. If you're renting an apartment or house and your lease is about to end, the home will be assessed and judged for damages. With Move-in/out cleaning you can be a full step ahead of your property manager or landlord by having your home or ex-home gleaming. According to TurboTax website, if you're relocating due to employment reasons, then you can deduct cleaning expenses with your moving expenses.
Deep house cleaning also known as thorough or comprehensive cleaning means cleaning things that you normally wouldn't clean on the regular basis. For instance, baseboards, ceiling fans, blinds, etc. are items you customarily clean when enough buildup of dust, smudges, or scuffmarks become noticeable. For some new clients, the service can be misinterpreted with First-time cleaning which applies to Basic cleaning being done the first time. However, first-time cleaning isn't as thorough as deep cleaning, meaning that your home would simply be brought up to a level of cleanliness so that we may maintain it with reoccurring basic cleaning services.
You'll appreciate our cleaning, love the way you feel and the way your home looks when we're finished. One-time or First-time Cleaning is basic cleaning for your home. This is optimal when you expect guests to your home and it's a mess, or maybe not, but you feel your home could definitely use some love. With that said, usually, by the time someone orders house cleaning, no one has been able to dedicate genuine time to clean it. So, this service aims at cleaning your home to a spectacular level of cleanliness.
Lupe and her crew are the biggest help to me. My husband and I work really long hours. They come in to clean on Fridays and I enjoy the weekend so much in my PERFECTLY CLEANED home. I've tried other services but none compare!
They did a great job. I plan to use them often. I had a very cluttered apt when they came and now it is straight and clean.
Arrived on time. Friendly and detailed cleaning. Would highly recommend!
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3 Cleaning Tips to Ease Allergies –
Lisa from Encino Park
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