Businesses are like the buildings that house them. They are either built and maintained, or they are built and then allowed to decline. Wilson Building Maintenance, Inc. specializes in professional janitorial cleaning services of scope and sophistication. We're in the business of maintaining business images, of restoring buildings to a high standard of order, cleanliness, and aesthetic appeal. Every day your business is either gaining or losing stature. You are either adding luster to its image, or inevitably you're watching it decline.
Today, Wilson Building Maintenance can claim as its clients some of the midwest's largest and most prestigious businesses. In the beginning, we served only one client, for $750.00 a month, while we attempted to service a much greater debt. While our fortunes have improved and base of operations has expanded, we have not forgotten the clients who stood by us through the years of our early growth. We continue to serve them with enthusiasm and zeal for detail indistinguishable from that we offer our newest or largest customers.