Shop Williams Carpet & Rug Outlet's massive inventory of rugs, carpets, hardwood, laminate, luxury vinyl tile, and more. Whatever your flooring needs, we've got you covered with extensive options at incredible discount prices. You can find hundreds of various woven floor coverings that can be installed wall to wall, made into traditional rug sizes, orcut and bound into the perfect size to fitany room in your home. If you can't find what you need in-store, we'll order what you'd like and still get you the best possible deal.

In our store, you won't find staged rooms, strategized displays, or gimmicks. You will find highly knowledgeable staff, more in-store inventory than you thought possible, and startlingly good discounts on the most coveted designer materials. From carpets to rugs, luxury vinyl tile to real hardwood, laminate to ceramic tile - every inch of our store and warehouse serves to hold the designer and business grade materials our customers need - at the low prices they want. When you shop Williams, you shop materials that will allow you to save up to 70 percent off regular retail prices.

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