Our window cleaning service will make you feel at ease looking out of your crystal clear windows! Our distinctive advantage that we offer to you is ease of use. From this moment right now, until the time our crew is finishing up the job at your home, we promise you an easy peasy experience! Some companies may offer a 7 day rain guarantee. We like to give a little more peace of mind and extend to you our 31 day rain warranty. We are the only company in California that provides this warranty. If you notice some rain spots on your windows just give us a call and we'll re-clean them for you free of charge, no questions asked.

The ultimate aim of our business and our life is to glorify and enjoy God forever! Even through the mundane work of cleaning windows, we want to do it all wholeheartedly unto Christ. Though a cleaning business is not an extravagant career in many peoples eyes, it is what God has given to our family as a means to provide for all that we need and even more. We aim to serve the needs of others with integrity and honesty in our business practices. As Christians, we are called to love our neighbors, and God has given us a workplace where he intends for this to happen.

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