Chris Lively and Steven Rigsby incorporated Water Works Irrigation in November 2001. Within the ten years we were blessed with Chris, he helped build our small company to the capability of handling complete subdivisions, commercial maintenance sites, and large construction projects, while always maintaining the friendly attitude required to be personal with all of our loyal homeowners. We lost Chris in October 2010 to cancer. It was the driest year in Louisiana in our lifetime, and Chris worked daylight to dark through August of that year before finding out there was anything wrong.
Oh look. We're hiring again. (318) 686-0129 or send your information to WaterWorksOffic
WE'RE HIRING! If you have experience in irrigation, give us a call! 318-686-0129
From February 25th of last year to February 5th of this year... UGH
I guess I was asleep when that happened.