Annual Fire & Safety offers state-of-the-art fire sprinkler system design and installation for both residential and commercial clients. We also offer maintenance and repair for systems as well as cleaning of restaurant hoods. To keep your building safe from fire damage, it is essential that you have a reliable fire protection system. Our team specializes in providing accountable fire systems in Sacramento, CA and surrounding areas. For more information, or to schedule an appointment with us, call at 888-577-2070.
What fire safety precautions do you take at home? Could you do more?
"Business is all about the customer: what the customer wants and what they get. Generally, every customer wants a p…
Fire extinguishers come in 5 classes. It's important to know what each is used for if you have more than one kind i…
Does your job require any unique fire safety precautions or devices that you usually don't see elsewhere? If so, wh…
Did you know, most fire safety equipment and systems will usually require an annual inspection to assure proper fun…
We provide inspections and repairs, restaurant hood cleaning, and even COVID-19 decontamination services. Call us t…
Firefighters in the U.S. were called out on 499,000 structure fires in 2018. From 2014 to 2018, there was an averag…
"Quality, hard work, dedication. These are the markers of a successful business." - Unknown
While there are national standards that fire safety and sprinkler systems must adhere to, each state and city may a…
If you have a fire sprinkler system installed and would like to have it inspected, check out our site to learn how our team can help. 37zZsJJ