We clean your pool once a month. Our cleaning includes vacuuming the bottom, skimming the top, emptying out the pump and skimmer baskets, balancing out the chemicals that make your pool water clear and brushing the walls of the pool. The best way to deal with discolored plaster is an acid treatment. It is less expensive than re-plastering the entire pool. We wash all of the plaster with a mixture of water and muriatic acid. This process eliminates the tough stains and yellowing of the pool. This job requires opening the filter and rinsing down all the grids and the inside of the filter.
Do you sometimes think your pool needs a little remodeling and needs to be spruced up somehow? Something that turns your old familiar pool into a new experience? Often, it takes little more than calming fountains, a spectacular waterfall, service islands or well-designed light installations to give your pool a new look and feel. We use our many years of experience to offer you such specialized features as: fiber optics; complete pool automation; an eco-friendly pool environment; everything selected with great care and top quality - at the best prices.
We take care of all aspects of your private pool and ensure that you make the right decisions for your future relaxation. We are always fair, clear, and provide state-of-the-art technology. Learn more about our cleaning services and make a free consultation appointment with us: 413 355-0457.