R&D Electric provides full service commercial and industrial electrical work for commercial facilities, government agencies, and contractors. Building on over 30 years of electrical experience, our managing partners oversee all construction activities with quality and customer service as critical factors in our high integrity approach to electrical work. We believe that without good service, we would not have customers. We leverage our trades expertise to perform with high quality and efficiency, always putting our customer's interests first, to develop long term dependable relationships.
Integrity in installation is what they perform. If you want it done right the first time then R&D is the best choice.
"megger" insulation testing in process, every wire. #longevity #916 #tpos #rdelectric #rdelectric.net
Setting gear. #rdelectric #rdelectric.net #electricians #916 #559
Wiring is more fun with friends. That's why we like the big jobs. #rdelectric #rdelectric.net #electricians
Pitter patter, let's get at'er. #rdelectric.net #rdelectric #electricians