In 1934, Bernhard Ludwig Radden, the patriarch of the Radden company, set his goals on being Central Kentucky's foremost painting and decorating contractor. In 1923, At the age of 17, having learned his trade in Germany under Otto Hilgenfeldt, Bernhard came to America from Hamburg, Germany. Bernhard moved from Lexington, Kentucky to Chicago, Illinois to hone his trade before moving back to Kentucky to start his own contracting company. Being an old world trained craftsman himself, B.L. Radden's business was dedicated to quality workmanship and customer service.
The reason Radden Painting has been around for so long is our dedication to quality and service. We are not interested in having a customer on a one-time job basis - we want to be THE painting contractor you look to and depend on for years to come. That is why many of our most-valued family and business customers of today have been calling us since the days of our founder, B.L. Radden. We've never settled for cutting corners - whether it be in the paint preparation phase, the number of coats, or in the quality of the materials we use.