Company founder Aaron Tessitore is a Rhode Island native with a background in business management. Aaron started doing custodial work and construction nights and weekends while in high school. He went on to get degrees in physics, math, and an MBA from URI. After a successful corporate career directing operations for a large manufacturing company he left to start a company. He and his wife Suzanne explored various franchise cleaning companies and realized they could do it at least as well, and without the burden of franchise royalties they could provide better value to their customers.
We offer cleaning services for your home or office. Because no two homes or offices are the same, many factors go into determining your customized price. We'll usually stop by and do an evaluation before giving you a quote. Pricing depends on square footage, rooms, the level of cleaning required, and the cleaning frequency you select. All of our services use MaidSTARS Green & Healthy cleaning protocols at no extra cost.