Our expert staff specializes in tree removal, tree trimming and pruning and stump removal. We have several sized machines to fit your property and are experts and tree falling and tree crane work. Our certified Arborists specialize in tree health, preserving your trees' beauty, strength and value. We treat your trees as the cornerstone of your property. With the latest techniquesin spraying, injecting and fertilizing, ourlicensed technicians are trained in the specifictreatments for all major pest, pathogen, soil conditioning, or fertilizing needs for your individual tree.
We have served the tree care requirements of residential and commercial customers from Orem to Ogden. We use the latest equipment and have multiple equipment sizes to perfect match your property and tree size. We offer the latest in tree spraying, fertilizing and injecting thus ensuring the lasting beauty of your trees and property. Hidden Oak Tree Care has serviced hundreds of customers and has dozens of five star reviews to back up our service to the Utah community.
Utah storms can wreak havoc to your trees. You never know when you might need emergency tree service to deal with a tree that has fallen on a house, fence, car or lays in the power lines. Hidden Oak Tree Care provides professional tree care emergency services for customers in Salt Lake City and surrounding cities. As an emergency tree service in Northern Utah, Hidden Oak Tree Care provides 24-hour services for hazardous and dangerous tree falls. Snow storms, severe thunderstorms, and strong winds cause broken branches and tree limbs and general uprooting of trees.
Had the opportunity to work along side our trim crew today!
Almost wrapped up on this big project!
Removing tons of Cottonwoods today!
Hidden Oak Tree care is growing and we are looking for new team members!If you are interested Call or text Michael at (385)237-7209 or you can email us at Mike@hiddenoakt reecare.com