For over 150 years, Pacific Nurseries has offered Bay Area landscape professionals personalized service, expert advice and an ever growing selection of plants. As both a grower and a plant broker, we provide an unlimited palette of ground covers, water-wise grasses, flowering shrubs, California natives and beautiful specimen trees.
Are you installing fire-resistant plants for your customers? #fire-safe #plants | Pacific Nurseries https:// pacificnurseries .com/ how-fire-resista nt-is-your-land scape/
Avoid these #Plant #Buying #Mistakes to improve your #landscape project outcome | #tips #pros #wholesale #nursery https:// pacificnurseries .com/ how-to-avoid-the -10-worst-plant -buying-mistake s/
Ready to save time finding your plants in our Colma Growing Grounds? | Pacific Nurseries https:// pacificnurseries .com/ finding-plants-i n-colma-growing -grounds-has-ne ver-been-easier / ?utm_ss=szA1t7Q0 MrQ0BQA&utm_ss_ social=1
#Conserve #water + promote healthy plant growth with #mulch | Pacific Nurseries https:// pacificnurseries .com/ all-the-dirt-on- saving-water-wi th-mulch/
What to know before you plant in the shade | Pacific Nurseries #tips #shade #plants https:// pacificnurseries .com/ 12-great-plants- made-shade/