We know you have more important things to do with your time and energy. Let a professional cleaner from Maid In Texas handle the cleaning of your home on a regular basis. The domestic worker will work with every customer individually to design a cleaning regiment to compliment their home, schedule, and lifestyle.
Inclement Weather Schedule - https:// mailchi.mp/ ff7cb7162e79/ inclement-weathe r-schedule
-Open lower cabinet doors so room temp air circulates around the pipes. -Let faucets drip if they are on an exterior wall. -don’t leave pets outside -do NOT pour water/hot water on car windshield to melt ice...it will crack the glass -do NOT start driving until engine temperature gauge starts to...
Please, Please, Please!! Bring your Pets Inside... it's too cold. 🥶
Lucky lucky day for us today. Won this awesome chocolate heart by How Sweet It Is Desserts by Lisa at networking meeting with Allen-Fairview Chamber of Commerce members. So happy! Can’t wait to break it up on Valentine’s Day!!
Love having in person Allen Chamber networking meeting. Thank you Ellen’s for hosting ❤️ Come, support this great restaurant, food is sooo good !!