Northbay Refrigerator Repair serves residential customers in Santa Rosa, Windsor, Healdsburg, Rohnert Park, Mark West Springs, Wikiup, Sebastopol and nearby areas. We offer affordable service on all major brands of residential refrigerators, freezers and ice makers.

We focus ONLY on refrigerator, freezer, ice maker and wine cooler repairs. Because of our specialized focus, we have more expertise in these appliances than many general service technicians. This means we can often diagnose and repair more quickly-which helps save you money. His family has been in the service and repair industry for over 50 years, including 30 years of specific focus onrefrigerator repair. Dave has formal education in electrical, mechanical, computers and manufacturing, and has always enjoyed fixing things.

If you're looking for freezer repair, Santa Rosa based Northbay Refrigerator Repair is at your service. Your freezer may be filled with expensive food, and you need a qualified service technician as quickly as possible. Not only do we offer freezer repair, including Sub-Zero service and U-Line service, but we also fix ice makers-and the refrigerators they're in. We respect your valuable time. That's why we always give a one-hour time window that is set around your schedule. When you call us, we'll let you know when we'll be there so you can plan the rest of your day.

If you need refrigerator repair Santa Rosa, Windsor, Healdsburg and other nearby areas, call Northbay Refrigerator Repair. We offer same-day service until 7:00 p.m. in most cases, and offer affordable rates for residential fridge repair. Not only do we offer refrigerator repair, but we also fix freezers and ice makers-which are essential components of most refrigerators today. When your fridge or freezer breaks down, you want a company that will get to your home quickly. We combine our same-day services with flexibility to offer the best refrigerator repair service you can get.

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Let us help you fix your fridge. Your refrigerator is vital to your health, and we want you to be healthy. Call #NorthBayRefrige ratorRepair today! Or visit our website at www.northbayref rigeratorrepair .com

Posted on Feb 23, 2017  •  Facebook