Say goodbye to those annoying pests and unwanted guests with a reliable termite and pest control expert. Ontime Termite & Pest Control offers prompt service and guaranteed pest control results in Laredo, TX. Ontime Termite & Pest Control specializes in commercial trucking fumigation of 18-wheeler trucks. We can be counted on to completely rid your truck's cargo bay of those harmful pests that pose a threat to your delivery. We know how difficult it can be to carry on in a home or business that's infested with pests.

Ontime Termite & Pest Control is an expert choice to remove all those unwanted pests from your home or business. Our fully-certified team knows how to handle ants, termites, rats, spiders, silverfish, and other intruders. We can also help you eliminate those pests that like to inhabit stored food. Our pest control services will help remove insects from your home, office, or tractor-trailer. Our commercial, residential, and industrial pest control methods are highly effective and safe. Droppings - It doesn't require a lot of explanation - creatures will leave evidence behind!