Tidewater Pest Services has been providing Pest Control Management for 10 years. We continue to set high standards for ourselves so that our customers receive the best possible service. Our technicians are knowledgeable of the latest in pest control techniques, which enables us to customize effective treatment plans for every situation. Our company uses state-of-the art technologies to eliminate and manage your pest problems by using a combination of chemical and non-chemical treatments. We are dedicated to providing a fast and efficient solution to your pest issue.
Tidewater Pest Services is a full service residential, commercial and industrial pest control company serving the Tidewater area. We are known for our outstanding customer service: each associate is dedicated to the customer and exhibits integrity and respect. At Tidewater Pest Services, we make sure our technicians have the most up-to-date knowledge of techniques available for use in treating your home and business, such as pesticide-free treatments. Our technicians create customized treatment plans and maintenance programs for each and every customer.
https:// www.usatoday.com /story/news/ nation/2021/01/ 26/ 17-year-cicadas- coming-to-michi gan/4250507001/
http:// willtheyeatit.pe stworld.org/ index.php/ portfolio/ episode-3/
Hilton Village’s Mr. Frank Cotrupi teaches the kids about bee keeping!