Our services include treatment for mice, rats, cockroaches, termites, ants, bees and general household pests, and we specialize in bed bug control. Our clients include residential, commercial, industrial, medical, educational, state and municipal properties located throughout Eastern Massachusetts. We have a duty to ourselves and our customers to remain diligent about adhering to current safety laws and regulations. Our Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach ensures that we strive to be sensitive to environmental concerns.
For 30 years Ultrafast Pest Controlhas been committed to providing fast and effective pest control solutions for a wide array of commercial and residential customers in the Greater Boston, MA area. Ourservice pledgeis outlined below. We look forward to working with you. Ultrafast Pest Control is a member in good standing with the National Pest Control Association (NPCA), Better Business Bureau (BBB), and New England Pest Management Association (NEPMA).
Termites are very common wood-destroying organisms and can have a tremendous economic impact to your home or business. It is vital that a homeowner or facilities professional at a commercial property recognize the signs of termite activity. Termites can be detected by the sudden emergence of a swarm of winged termites or by the evidence of wood damage. We at Ultrafast Pest Control are trained to assist with termites and assist in the protection of your home or business before the damage is done.
We at Ultrafast Pest Control are happy to assist residential and commercial clients throughout the entire Greater Boston, MA region with controlling a wide variety of pests that choose to invade your home, office or any other space. While our most popular pests are featured below, we also remove rats, stinging insects such as bees, carpenter bees, wasps and hornets. In addition, we can help with moth control, pigeons and bird control as well as spiders. For more information regarding pests or our services, please feel free to contact us at 781.894.7700.
These critters move quickly and can be transported without you knowing, in a box if you move or in your grocery bags. They avoid light and can hide in the smallest of cracks around your home and in the crevices of your business. Our process of cockroach control can reduce and eliminate the pest, through proper pesticide application and consistent monitoring. The Ultrafast approach is simple and will help you to accomplish your goal of cockroach control and a return to a safe environment, the way it should be.
Mice that enter the home are small, slender and range from 1 to 2 inches long in body size and include a tail that are generally the size of the mouse's body. Mice have large ears, small black coal eyes and large ears. The mouse's color varies, but it is usually a lighter brown or lighter gray. Mice are predominantly busy at night, but can be seen occasionally during daytime hours. A mouse can fit through a hole as small as 1/4-inch and will move throughout your home running along pipes, cable and electrical wiring potentially causing damage and may even cause fires.
Watch out for mice this fall! http:// www.ultrafastpes t.com/ mouse-control-ti ps-for-fall/
Watch out for bed bugs if you're moving this summer!... https://t.co/6XaY164EC6
Do you know how to detect termite damage? http:// www.ultrafastpes t.com/ how-can-i-tell-i f-my-home-has-s uffered-termite -damage/
Happy Fourth of July from Ultrafast Pest Control! https://t.co/yDjkNypdya
Keep your summer cookouts ant-free by checking out today's blog!
Prevent ants from entering your home with some of our home remedies! #AntControl #PestControl #UltrafastPestControl https://t.co/gm1UwMk5SQ
Learn how to prevent pests in your apartment with today's blog! #PestControl #PreventPests #UltrafastPestControl https://t.co/eb4tMWtKQ0
Check out today's blog on preventing mosquitoes this spring! https://t.co/wCN8Ds0SaC
Wishing all of our Facebook friends a happy holiday! https://t.co/zKrHfYGCNy