Bed bugs like to nest close to their host, so you'll most likely find them on your mattress, box spring, or pillows. This is why you need certified bed bug mattress encasements. Our bed bug mattress covers from SafeRest fully seal the mattress and box spring, preventing bed bugs from entering, escaping, or feeding through its non-vinyl fabric. With your mattress and bedding now encased, it's time to elevate your bed with ClimbUp Interceptors to prevent bed bugs from reaching you. Bed bugs often hide in furniture, along baseboards, and inside cracks and crevices.
It takes more than a simple spraying: bed bugs are amazingly adaptable, and have grown resistant to most pesticide formulas. They are also particularly difficult to reach, as they tend to hide in small cracks and crevices throughout a room. By continually improving the resources to train our staff, we can provide customers with cutting edge information and solutions that are proven to work. As the exclusive bed bug treatment products supplier for many top rated international hotel chains, Bed Bug Supply has become one of the largest bed bug supply stores in the country.
Every year, thousands of Americans are exposed to bed bugs during hotel stays or while on airplanes, trains, buses, or cruise ships. Many of them bring the bedbugs home after their trip, opening the door to infestation. But in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the face of travel as we know it,...
Will #COVID19 get rid of bed bugs forever?
Cruise ships in Florida. Hospitals in New York. Churches in Washington, DC. All undergoing drastic efforts to sanitize and disinfect after reports of coronavirus infections under their roofs.
How to use a steamer to sanitize in hospitals, schools, and businesses
The coronavirus pandemic has dominated many aspects of life in the US. For many, work, school, and social activities have been turned upside down or vanished entirely. While the Bed Bug Supply team is still hard at work to ensure that bed bug infestations don’t continue to add to your stress, many...
How to clean & disinfect your home for #coronavirus
A common myth perpetuated online is that insecticides are completely ineffective against bed bugs. This idea that chemicals won’t work against bed bugs is usually followed by a recommendation for natural or alternative treatments. What would be really unnatural is if an insect were to become...
JT Eaton Kills Bed Bugs ULTRA Review:
The history of bed bugs, from dinosaurs to apartments: 🦖
Bed bugs have been with us for a long time. Despite only returning to epidemic levels in the last few years, the history of bed bugs and their ancestors date back to as much as 11,000 years ago. It was believed that bed bugs used to feed on bats and early humans in caves, then followed those humans...