Domimex Antiques & Rugs specializes in expert hand washed carpet cleaning, rug repair, and restoration of handmade oriental carpets & antique rugs. We specialize in locating the perfect rug to fit your home or business dcor, as well as preparing free estimates and appraisals for your convenience.
Domimex has more than 30 years of experience in unique modern and antique Persians rugs. We buy and/or trade your antique rugs, and we also welcome high quality consignments, artwork and mid-century furniture. Domimex was established in 1990 we have gained a lot of experience over the years by working with major rug weaving centers around the world. Fernando Cruz offers expert advice on preserving, cleaning and restoring antique Oriental rugs. Mr. Cruz is sought after by local designers to discuss the quality of Oriental rugs they are considering to purchase for their clients.
Visit our showroom at: 3260 Duke St. in Alexandria, VA 571-269-7459 www.DomimexRugs .com