If there is a plumbing problem in your home or place of business, we'll help you to fix it. With years of experience in all facets of plumbing and plumbing service, our technicians have seen and done it all. The mission of Allred Brothers Company is to earn lifelong customers by consistently offering high quality work with exceptional service at fair and honest prices. By doing so, we hope to be recognized as the plumbing company to trust in North Texas.

Plumbing Specialties is a residential and commercial plumbing service company located in McKinney / Allen, TX, primarily serving the North Dallas area. With decades of experience in every facet of plumbing, from repairing leaky faucets to the new construction of shopping malls and train stations, we have seen and done it all. Allred Brothers is managed by three brothers -John, Robert, and Justin- and is family owned and operated. At Allred Brothers, we care about our families, and we know the best way to take care of our family is to ensure that we take great care of yours.

What's new?

Not sure what day it is anymore. But that's a wrap on this one! Total replumb of the water lines.

Posted on Feb 23, 2021  •  Facebook

As of this morning, we have returned our voicemail prompts to their regular settings and disabled our freeze@allredbr os.com email address.

Posted on Feb 23, 2021  •  Facebook

These have been a scheduling nightmare. Some take 20 minutes, some take hours. Nine total freeze breaks on this one townhouse. Customer now has their water back on!

Posted on Feb 21, 2021  •  Facebook

No days off until everyone's water is restored.

Posted on Feb 21, 2021  •  Facebook

Hadyi http://t.co/sWByCmaw4k

Posted on Jul 05, 2014  •  Twitter

Massive Water leak on a 2" water line at a local Panera bread #TimeToWork #BigWaterBill #ManmadeLake #First... https://t.co/foHMyeHjxo

Posted on Jul 31, 2013  •  Twitter

Two customer have saved money using our online coupons for water heaters this week... You can too!! https://t.co/tvhE6vZQ6w

Posted on Jul 16, 2013  •  Twitter

We will be closed thurs-fri in celebration of #independenceday except for in the case of emergency. Wishing everyone a safe and #happy4th!!

Posted on Jul 03, 2013  •  Twitter

We will be closed Monday for #MemorialDay, make sure to #havefun #besafe #ENJOY this weekend, and #thankyou to all who have served!

Posted on May 24, 2013  •  Twitter

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