Our team will clear your land of cedar and brush while leaving the land and wanted trees undisturbed. We offer a wide variety of property improvements to protect and beautify your property. Our powerful tree shear leaves NO STUMPS! Our powerful tree shear is only one of the many tools we have available to quickly flat cut cedar, and provide the many other services that Chula Vista Land Clearing offers. We are equipped with a rotary air drill for rock penetration, as well as a bobcat, bulldozer, backhoe, dump truck, jackhammer, and grapple bucket.
We do not "spike" the trees under our care. Rather, we will climb your tree using rope climbing techniques or trim the tree from a bucket truck. We care about trees and understand that we are working on majestic, living beings. We also understand what trees need and use appropriate pruning techniques, giving your tree the right amount of trimming for optimal health without adversely stunting its growth or causing harm. Our staff will respect your property, taking care not to damage other landscaping or your home in the process of trimming back branches or removing trees.