We have been providing full heating and air conditioning services in the south end of Miami-Dade County for over 27 years and specialize in planned preventative maintenance. As owners, we believe it's of the highest importance to maintain a hands-on approach to ensure our customers are getting exactly what they need - that's why you'll see us there on every job. We also specialize in the sale and installation of Rheem equipment and are 100% Rheem trained for accuracy. We are a Class "A" state certified company and are also licensed and insured.
http:// www.washingtonpo st.com/news/ wonkblog/wp/ 2015/08/03/ how-america-fell -in-love-with-c razy-amounts-of -air-conditioni ng/
http:// www.nytimes.com/ 2015/08/01/ nyregion/ no-respite-from- the-heat-for-ai r-conditioning- installers.html ?_r=0
http:// home.howstuffwor ks.com/ac.htm
http:// energy.gov/ energysaver/ articles/ maintaining-your -air-conditione r
https:// www.energystar.g ov/ index.cfm?fuseac tion=hpwes_prof iles.showsplash