We offer a full range of cleaning and moisture related services for your home or business. From cleaning of commercial grade carpets to delicate residential carpets to mold removal and mold remediation services and emergency water damage restoration, we can take care of it. Our team works diligently to ensure your needs are met promptly and efficiently. Crisis can strike at any moment, and we are available at all hours of the day and night to solve your problem. We can have a crew on the road within half an hour for immediate service to prevent further damage.
Sunshine Cleaning and Restoration is a 24-hour service provider specializing in water damage, emergency services, cleaning services, and moisture controls. Our territory includes Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Washington D.C. We are committed to four core values. These include around the clock care, customer satisfaction, environmental responsibility, and premier quality. We take pride in dispatching our Sunshine technicians to your home. Our trained crews arrive at your residence with a professional attitude and a willingness to complete the job to your satisfaction.