Running Roots provides best-in-class lawn care in Birmingham, Alabama. We are committed to Stewardship, Continual Improvement, Effort, Integrity, and Relationships. Our lawn care specialists handle all of our services in a professional manner, and they deliver great results. Think of us as your own care experts. Our talented team members have the perfect skills to free you up from the demands of lawn care so you can focus on what matters most. We will put forth our utmost effort to keep our beautiful city green and healthy.
If you're interested in taking advantage of a 5% discount by pre-paying for 2021, let us know. Turf and mosquito control services are now available for prepay.
No more college football means more time to spend in your garage
When is it okay to cut back my shrubs? Check this helpful list out to see when the ideal time is to prune.
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Can you imagine folks of this age writing our governing document today?
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And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even...
Got Weeds?
We can keep your lawn looking beautiful AND you can feel great about protecting your kids' and your pets' health.