At Got Lawn? tree and turf care, we pride ourselves in delivering a healthy, lush, green, weed-free Atlanta Lawn to our customers. Our trained specialist take the time to service your lawn properly. We perform our service to get you the results you expect from a professional lawn care service. Early Spring - Apply Pre-Emergent Crabgrass Control to help prevent crabgrass and broadleaf weeds. Broadleaf Weed Control to help eliminate broadleaf weeds currently present. Fescue. Early Spring - Time to apply horticulture oils for trees and shrubs to eliminate any overwintering insect eggs that were laid on the branches and stems.
Tree and Turf care is a family owned and operated company serving areas north of Atlanta. As a 20 year veteran of the Atlanta Lawn Care industry, I am committed to delivering a healthy, lush, green, weed-free Atlanta Lawn to our customers. In 1989, I started my career with one of the largest lawn care companies in Atlanta. It was there, I found I had a passion for transforming yards into beautiful lawns. This passion combined with my commitment to customer satisfaction has helped develop our company into Atlanta's premier Lawn Care Company.
Diseases in Atlanta Lawns occur when weather conditions are hot, humid and moist. Atlanta's got lawn? Tree and Turf Care offers both preventative and curative treatments. Here is what you need to lookout for to determine if your lawn is infected. If you've noticed any of these appearing in your lawn, call us immediately so we can "nip it in the bud" before it spreads. Bermuda and Zoysia lawns are susceptible to Dollar Spot in the hot summer months. It can be recognized by a 2 inch diameter or smaller tan spot in the lawn about the size of a coin dollar, thus, the name Dollar Spot.
Spring is only a few weeks away! Start Spring off right with a weed free lawn! Call us today for a FREE quote!
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