At Heartland Tree Service we specialize in tree pruning, trimming, removal, and stump grinding. 90% of our work involves working with trees near a home or structure where additional training and expertise are necessary. We have trained professionals on every job to ensure a smooth project from start to completion. Your satisfaction is our priority and we strive to provide a service we are proud of. We start every project by providing a thorough consultation to understand your goals and the needs of the project.
Great day for an interior clean out and selective prune of this beautiful Oak Tree! Give us a call for you free estimate!
Can you spot the climber in this picture?? Doug, our ISA certified arborist, getting horizontal to a make a few final cuts after a full canopy selective prune. This tree shouldn't need any work for another 5-7 years!
Doug, our ISA certified arborist, going our on a limb to bring this dead Elm tree down safely. Give us a call at (918) 637-3004 for a free estimate!
It's always amazing to see what a canopy raise and dead limb clean out can do for the curb appeal of a home! Give us a call for a free quote! (918) 637-3004.
Had fun testing some new climbing equipment on a Sycamore removal today!