Haag Tree Service has been providing outstanding tree services including tree removal, tree trimming, and stump removal for over 38 years. Our highly skilled professionals are happy to visit your property to identify the trees that have the potential to fall or clean up any trees or branches that may have already fallen from a storm or heavy snowfall. Contact us for a free estimate.

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https:// www.paypal.me/ HaagTreeService? utm_source=unp& utm_medium=emai l&utm_campaign= PPC000654&utm_u nptid=232c86e3- 481e-11ea-b490- b875c0ab0fff&pp id=PPC000654&cn ac=US&rsta=en_U S&cust=7VRGH4HL 3XJ4A&unptid=23 2c86e3-481e-11e a-b490-b875c0ab 0fff&calc=e2b1a b50860e4&unp_tp cid=ppme-social -business-profi ...

Posted on Mar 29, 2020  •  Facebook

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