For the last 30+ years, Complete Tree Service has been Charleston, South Carolina's premier tree service company. We provide safe, reliable and knowledgeable tree care service. From tree trimming and tree removal to stump grinding and 24-hour emergency tree services, our team of experts offer every tree service necessary to maintain and care for your trees. We're passionate about what we do and take pride in providing exceptional customer service. With glowing recommendations and customer reviews, we've spent decades building an outstanding reputation in the local area.
Call for your free estimate. 843-814-4545 or 843-763-1072
Good reasons to have tree trimming in the winter..(trees that flower in the spring or ornamental flowering trees should not be trimmed) 1) Visibility : without the foliage it is easier to see the shape and structure as well as exposing any dead or diseased limbs for removal. 2) Trees are dormant in Winter 3) Trees are better protected from disease in the winter. The cold weather protects trees after trimming from most microbes, pest and bacteria. 4) Trees are able to produce more abundantly and