Our vision — is to design and create a unique and personal landscape environment that draws you out of doors and connects you with the beauty of nature. Once there you will find yourself in a garden where you can relax, play or entertain and restore your spirit! We are a full service Landscaping and Design company. Our office is located in the Heights. We have a full time designer in house and all work is done by our year round well trained crew. We are licensed and insured, serving residential clients.
We provide full service landscaping to residential and commercial clients in Houston and the surrounding areas: "Concept to Completion." While some companies offer to work from the ground up, we believe an effective landscaping project begins below the ground, with a great soil and effective drainage. Understanding the conditions beneath the ground will help guide the selection and installation of plant materials. Adding drain pipes are not the only solution for poor drainage, though it might be the most cost effective.
Each material has its own method of installation to insure sustainability. With Houston's clay soil we prefer to stay away from poured concrete because it will, ultimately crack.
Q: What is core aeration? A: In simplest terms, it is the process of making finger sized holes in your lawn and depositing the removed material on the surface to break down. This allows fertilizer, water and oxygen to get to the roots where healthy grass originates. Q: How do I know if a yard needs aeration? A: Known clay soils, heavy traffic, more than 1/2″ of thatch, standing water after irrigation or rain, or lawns that brown easily in heat are all excellent candidates. In reality, any yard, healthy or not, can benefit from annual aeration.
It is not uncommon for a property in and around the Houston area to experience standing water, mud and/or saturated soil and water in the yard after a rain storm. However, if the problem persists for an hour after every single rain you may want to consider a solution, such as french drains, surface drains, grading, or a combined drainage system solution. Wet, soggy ground Moisture-soaked ground is very common in the coastal regions. It is usually pretty easy to spot, and very easy to feel. This symptom is the usually the result of undesirable grading.
We us all cedar to construct our pergolas; each is a unique design. Ground contact is dealt with by coating the in-ground section of the posts with roofing mastic before setting them in concrete. We only use nails as a temporary hold, if at all, during the construction. For the final product we use screws (decking grade), galvanized bolts, joist hangers and hurricane ties to ensure stability and longevity.
Ponds, vessel fountains with reservoir basins, cement fountains, wall fountains, waterfall walls. Water gardens transform an outdoor living space into a beautiful sanctuary where you can relax, unwind, and enjoy quality time alone or shared with others. There is something soothing about water.
The 2021 wildflower season is almost here. And unlike many things lately, it promises to be dependably normal - which means beautiful in Central Texas! While February's winter storm Uri impacted some native plants, Director of Horticulture Andrea DeLong-Amaya expects that our celebrated flora will.
Progress inspite of the weather. #nomorelawn #levels Deck comes off porch at same level. Lots of room for family with grow children to entertain. Fountain will be in front of middle window. More fun to come. #designbuild #iamapld #tnla
By Brandi Keller Harris County Master Gardener Program Coordinator
Good info on weather and how to protect your home and garden.https:// spacecityweather.com/ a-major-winter-s torm-followed-b y-brutal-cold-w ill-impact-the- region-on-monda y-tuesday/
Freeze Protection | Ravenscourt Landscaping & Design LLChttps:// ravenscourt.us/ irrigation/ freeze-protectio n/
Cool! https://t.co/Zymy1FUsZN