Solar energy is the ultimate renewable resource. Solar energy can be affordable. Solar energy can be our number one source of electricity. Solar energy can enable new jobs in growing industries. Solar energy can lead us to energy independence. The Sun is our greatest natural resource. Energy from the Sun is renewable. It is reliably available. And it is plentiful. In fact, the Sun provides the Earth more energy in one hour than mankind uses in an entire year. There is just one problem, and it is a huge one.

Formed in 2009 and headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, eVjump Solar Inc. is focused on achieving breakthroughs that will enable high volume production of low cost, efficient, reliable and durable solar energy capture devices. Our mission is purposeful and is intended to keep our entire team focused on our quest. Our quest is this - to make energy from the most plentiful and renewable source in the universe, the Sun, available to everyone, in both this and all future generations. We are not Wall Street bankers.