Transform your shed or a garage into an additional living space - get a brand new guest house, increase property value or even rent it out to offset the costs. Lush Roofing can provide residential and commercial services that your property needs. Our trained professionals will assess your issues and devise a detailed plan to repair or replace your damaged roof, faschia board, or gutters. Major Remodel - Lush Remodeling Corp. Premier Project, a major remodel of a Encino Mansion where the entire home was repainted, windows replaced, new roof installed, and a retaining wall for the front entrance built.
Ambient lighting can be the thing that takes your backyard from basic to something special. Highlight the shapes you might have hiding in plain daylight and make them pop. 😁
Respect those who have fallen for our #freedom. They will never be forgotten.
Professional and experienced team, with an excellent reputation, is what makes us a perfect choice to make your home improvements. Give us a call. 🙂