Artios Painting Will handle all of your painting needs and much more. We specialize in, residential painting, commercial painting, mold inspection and remediation, deck and fence clean and seal, house and building washing, log home restoraton, cedar siding and shingles, ceiling tile cleaning, drywall and plaster repair, window repair, awning and canopy cleaning, roof cleaning, stone and patio cleaning, odor elimination, coil cleaning, smoke and fire restoration, and wood floor refinishing.
Roof Cleaning Asphalt Shingles, Wooden Shakes, Cement Tiles, Barrel Tiles, Masard Roof, Metal Roof, Slate etc. In the Northwest asphalt shingles, slate [old stone], and wooden shakes are popular. Mold, mildew, algaue, moss, and lichens grow on these roofs. These unwanted biological organisms and plants stain your roofs, increase the air conditioning bills, and contaminate your your house and back yard with mold and related bio-organisms. Unfortunately, the solutions to these ugly stained roofs are not very good.
When a fire occurs it is of both sentimental as well as financial importance to restore what can be saved or cleaned. The Caltex fire restoration services provides the customer with the option of saving their seemingly destroyed belongings. The more quickly items are salvaged, the better shape they will be in. This is true because homes today have many synthetic goods that create chemical reactions that cause items to be often beyond saving within several days. Therefore, it is important to engage in smoke and fire damage restoration promptly, the Caltex System can often help you in this trying time of life by cleaning and saving your items.
If your company needs commercial exterior painting, allow the professionals at Artios Painting to help you! With over 35 years of service, our commercial exterior painting business has expanded in 17 other service areas over the the past 15 years. If you're a business owner or building manager, you're going to want to choose a trustworthy commercial painting contractor to handle your exterior painting. At Artios Painting, we're up for the challenge. At Artrios Painting, we're proud to service Rock Island, IL, and the surrounding areas.
Contrary to the popular belief that all old windows should be replaced by "modern" ones, there are many reasons to think twice before doing so. Windows should not be replaced unless absolutely necessary. Wood windows are energy efficient. And in conjunction with a standard exterior storm window unit, provide a better energy standard than double glazed [thermo-pane] windows. Older wood windows do not necessarily have higher maintence costs. For example, replacing the glass in many of the newer windows requires removing and replacing the entire sash, or even throwing it away and ordering a new one.