When you choose Letourneau and Son's for your residential or commercial painting project, your making a smart choice of a company you can trust. Our past clients will tell you that they received only the finest quality and speediest services possible, backed up by a long standing company name and dedication to integrity.

Myself and my sons Jim and Chris are proud to call ourselves professionals in the art of painting and home improvement. With fourty years experience of my own, my sons and I have a combined seventy years experience in the art of painting and home improvement. Letourneau and Sons Painting itself was started in the year 1986! We are a fully insured and licensed painting company with a staff and materials to complete a painting project of any size. If hired, I personally, along with my sons will together be working on your project, leaving you with no questions unanswered as someone will always be available to answer any questions you may have.

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