Get the big rocks you need for your next building project with hauling from Excavation Tech LLC. We not only provide quality rock in all sizes, we will also haul the rock to your property or project site.

Don't spend money bringing in additional materials to cover the ground after your land clearing project. Let Excavation Tech LLC take care of it for you by finishing the process using the materials right there on your site! Once your land is cleared, we bring in sheep foot rollers and flat barrel vibrating rollers to smooth out the land and knock down the ridges left from the tracking process. You'll end up with a great, leveled surface ready for your project.

Prep your site with expert land clearing from Excavation Tech LLC. For over 20 years, we've been helping Hawaii homeowners create their homes by clearing whole lots or portions of lots before they build.

Once you obtain your waste system permit, get Excavation Tech LLC on the job. We are fully licensed to install both cesspools and septic systems and will work off of your engineer's design. Get quality work done the first time!

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