We are proud to introduce the J & J Boring, Inc. team of professionals who coordinate and manage all of our projects. Our president, Jennifer Bouquet, is a licensed drainlayer for St. Louis City and St. Louis County, holds an MBA, and is DBE/WBE certified. She serves on the Board of Directors for the SITE Improvement Association. Our goal is to provide you with solutions for your tunneling and sewer line projects and to successfully complete your projects on time. For a quote, call us at 636-566-6766.
Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) inspection is used to inspect sewer systems, storm water systems and wet wells. Cameras are mounted on robot crawlers or they can be pushed or pulled through the system being inspected. Some CCTV systems include pole mounted zoom cameras for closer inspection of defects. The camera is connected to a monitor located at the surface in a van or truck. Our CUES CCTV Inspection camera will zoom, take still pictures, pan and tilt, and provide adequate lighting. The technician makes note of any defects spotted and any other observations of the system being inspected.
At J & J Boring, Inc. we provide a diverse range of tunneling and boring services to complete your project's trenchless tunneling requirements. Which trenchless method will work best for your project depends on factors such as soil conditions, obstacles in the pathway, and infrastructure to bore underneath. We install new sewer and storm system pipes and do cleaning and CCTV inspections of existing sewer lines. We do projects requiring pipe installation under existing infrastructure such as buildings, roads and railroad tracks.
Our crew has been hard at work completing two 48” Micro-tunnel drives totaling 760 L.F. in Chesterfield, Missouri. Both drives originated from a single 40’ diameter shaft, 42’ deep and 18+ feet below the ground water elevation. Each tunnel holed out into a 12’ diameter shaft of the same depth and...
We recently completed a 428’ long tunnel through mixed ground conditions using an Akkerman EX960B excavator shield skinned to 115” O.D. We direct jacked 110” Hobas pipe which is one of the largest pipes that Hobas manufactures. Due to site conditions, this difficult tunnel had to be installed from...
We are pleased to announce that we have received WBE Certification from the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council located in Washington, DC.