Water Restoration Company water restoration AZ is a flood restoration company that specializes in all areas of flood restoration and water extraction. If your home or workplace has been damaged by a flood or water leak, our COMPANY will be there to provide prompt water extraction or flood restoration service at a moment's notice. We work for our clients, not for the insurance company. Our IICRC certified water restoration professionals usually restore about 300 to 500 properties every year. At water restoration az, our team has been providing thorough water damage company services to property owners around the world since 1994.

You can call Us 24 hours a day seven days a week. A flood can happen anytime, no matter what time of day or night it is when it destroys your interior. That's why we're available to you 24/7! No matter what time you call, we will arrive at your home or office for emergency water extraction and drying. We can also provide you with helping you with your insurance info, if the flood damages your property. It usually takes 30 to 45 minutes for us to arrive depending on the time of day and distance to your location.

What's new?

Early risers can see the Waning Crescent Moon before sunrise from now on until the Moon reaches its New Moon phase at 10:21 UTC on March 13.

Posted on Mar 07, 2021  •  Facebook

On Mar 6 the #Moon reaches its #ThirdQuarterPhase at 01:30 UTC. This exact instant marks the last primary… https://t.co/lAnX0ASwPx

Posted on Mar 05, 2021  •  Twitter

Happy Mars month, everyone! The third month of the western calendar, March, is named after Mars, the Roman god of war, as is the fourth planet in our Solar System, Mars.

Posted on Mar 01, 2021  •  Facebook

The Moon's Waning Gibbous phase begins right after the Full Moon and lasts until its Third Quarter phase. Waning means that the Moon is shrinking and getting smaller, while gibbous refers to its oval-to-round shape.

Posted on Feb 28, 2021  •  Facebook

Did you know that a lunar eclipse can only happen on a Full Moon night?

Posted on Feb 26, 2021  •  Facebook

#lunareclipses only happen on #FullMoon nights? February's Full Moon aka #SnowMoon on Feb 27 at 08:17 UTC marks the… https://t.co/cztOmeJhfQ

Posted on Feb 26, 2021  •  Twitter

#NASA #PerseveranceRover attempts to land on #Mars. The rover isn't visible from #Earth but the #RedPlanet can be f… https://t.co/NFyuwEOe8M

Posted on Feb 18, 2021  •  Twitter

#HappyValentinesDay to those who celebrate! Did you know that #ValentinesDay was not always a celebration of lovers… https://t.co/ixom4yxyl8

Posted on Feb 14, 2021  •  Twitter

The #Moon guides the dates of many religious and cultural holidays around the world. February's #NewMoon (Feb 11 at… https://t.co/kcye8OJ0pT

Posted on Feb 11, 2021  •  Twitter

Exciting times for the #RedPlanet! #Mars is the only #planet clearly visible in the evening sky and 3 spacecraft ar… https://t.co/FeVj3ORHrB

Posted on Feb 08, 2021  •  Twitter

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