There is a severe Conflict of Interest created by the insurance company when they send out. Your public adjuster ensures that you, the policyholder, obtains the maximum you are owed for property damage. We will review your Insurance claim at NO COST. For The Public Adjusters is a professional team of state-licensed public insurance adjusters, standing by to represent YOU. Just like the adjuster who represents your insurance company. We are Independent Public Insurance Adjusters. For The Public Adjusters, Inc. will answer your insurance claim related questions and provide advice and assistance for insurance-related damages that are a result of fire, smoke, wind, water, flood damage, theft, hail, and hurricanes.
Obtain professional help from a fire insurance adjuster. A fire insurance adjuster will inspect, discover, and appraise your fire damage. Your fire insurance adjuster will handle the filing, negotiating, and work on your behalf to secure the best chances for a successful fire claim settlement. Do not expect the insurance company to be very accommodating. For most fire claims, the insurer will thoroughly investigate the circumstances of the fire to prevent fire claim fraud, and take measures to minimize their losses.
There are many ways a property can suffer water damage. Water can affect a home or building from a ruptured water heater, sewage backup, toilet, sink or tub overflows, leaky dishwasher, washing machines and hoses, frozen or ruptured pipes, and even wind driven rain from a storm event. Whichever cause of the loss that may have occurred at your property, most water damage is covered by your policy. However, they are totally different claim types as water damage claims are covered by your policy and flood damage claims are excluded under property insurance policies.
For The Public Adjusters, Inc. will answer your insurance claim related questions and provide advice and assistance for insurance related damages that are a result of fire, smoke, wind, water, flood damage, theft, hail, and hurricanes. Get in touch with us today! Many policyholders allow their insurance company's adjuster to inspect their building, estimate and process their entire claim, and generate a value of their full fire insurance claim - without asking any questions. Without even considering if the insurance adjuster is correct!
Great company! They work hard to get you a fair settlement! I highly recommend them!
Good people, fighting the Good Fight. I do many appraisals and consulting for this group. Top Notch!
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