Asbestos Testing begins with a Survey: visual inspection for suspect asbestos containing materials. Our licensed consultants collect bulk samples of suspect materials in accordance with federal, state and local guidelines and submit them with proper documentation to an accredited and certified asbestos laboratory for analysis and quantification. Every Asbestos Test is documented in a report that describes: Background Information, Sampling Protocols, Testing Methods, Laboratory Results, and Conclusions.
What is mold? With more than 20 years experience in mold remediation, Hera Environmental Lab. is the right choice for your mold testing and mold remediation needs. Being led by a Ph. D. in Toxicology, we bring you the best and most effective mold testing and mold removal processes available. Do I have mold in my home? Are there any safe levels? Will it make my family sick? How do I get rid of it? Hera Environmental, Labs is the leader in mold inspection, testing, and remediation services. You have questions we have answers.