The State of Ohio does not have a license for Mold Inspection or Mold Remediation therefore it is not possible to be "licensed" in Mold Inspection or Mold Remediation. At Dutch's Mold Inspection and Mold Remediation Services we have obtained all certifications available in the fields of mold inspection and remediation listed below. If a contractor you are working for uses the word "licensed" when discussing their mold remediation credentials it could be a red flag. Rick Nesselhauf of Dutch's Mold Inspections & Mold Remediation Services is one of the few independently operated, locally-owned certified mold inspectors and master environmental specialists in the Cleveland area.
We believe indoor air quality and safe passage for emergency personnel access is critical to the health and safety of homeowners and we want to help. Proper air circulation is critical to improving the indoor air quality in your home while ensuring VOCs are carried outdoors rather than captured in the attic. Located in the greater Cleveland, Ohio area, we provide residential and commercial services throughout Ohio in Indoor Air Quality, Mold Inspections and Mold Removal, or Mold Remediation. While most of our mold inspection, mold removal and indoor air quality (IAQ) services keep us around the greater Cleveland area - Cuyahoga, Erie, Stark, Lorain, Summit, Lake, Geauga, Port, Wayne, Medina and Ashland counties, we frequently travel throughout Ohio for commercial mold removal, mold remediation and sick building syndrome testing and consultation.
Although air-tight homes are typically more energy efficient, they tend to have very poor quality of indoor air from lack of introduction of outdoor air and from trapping polluted air in the home. Surprising to many home owners is the fact that although the outdoor air we breathe has pollutants, our indoor air is typically 5 times more polluted. What's polluting your indoor air? Everything from household cleaners, paints, VOCs (volatile organic compounds) found in furniture and carpets, candles, beauty products, air fresheners and of course mold and other allergens.
Indoor air quality (IAQ) refers to the air quality in buildings and structures, particularly as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants. Did you know that the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ranks indoor air pollution among the top five environmental risks to public health? EPA studies found indoor air pollutants were generally 2 to 5 times greater than outdoor pollution levels and in some cases, indoor air pollution was up to 100 times greater. As a member of the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA), a certified mold inspector, certified allergen inspector and certified indoor air quality technician, Rick Nesselhauf and his crew at Dutch's Mold Inspections & Mold Remediation Services are equipped to help assess and resolve your indoor air quality concerns.
Customer Review for Mold Inspection and Mold Removal Kathleen of Northfield, Ohio wrote: The job went very well. Rick first tested for mold in the basement and, in two other parts of the house. Customer Review for Mold Inspection in Basement and Mold Removal Scott of Hudson, Ohio wrote: The job went very well. Award Reflects Mold Company's High Level of Customer Service North Ridgefield, OH - Dutch's Mold Inspection is proud to announce that it has earned the home service industry's coveted Angie's List Super Service Award (SSA).
Customer Review for Mold Remediation Danielle of the Cleveland area wrote: Rick came to out Home was detailed, very clear, and knowledgeable of what we needed done to get rid of our mold. Customer Review for Mold Remediation in Basement and House Scott of Solon, Ohio wrote: The team was flexible with our timing needs, professional in communication, and prompt. Customer Review for Mold Inspection and Mold Removal Kathleen of Northfield, Ohio wrote: The job went very well. Rick first tested for mold in the basement and, in two other parts of the house.
It can be difficult for home owners that may be suffering from water damage or showing symptoms of mold exposure to determine if they need a mold inspector or a mold remediation company. At Dutch's Mold Inspections & Mold Remediation Services of northeast Ohio we do both. However, many home inspectors will perform mold inspections but refer-out the mold removal process and many mold remediation (or mold removal) companies don't perform the mold testing - so it isn't unreasonable that you may be confused.
Once a certified mold inspector has concluded that there is mold present and that is likely harmful to your family, or that you have breeding grounds for mold that can become toxic, it's important to have the mold removed. The process of eliminating the mold and removing contaminated materials is also known as mold remediation. At Dutch's Mold Inspections & Mold Remediation Services we're obviously bias because we pride ourselves on being the best mold remediation company serving the Cleveland area, as do many of our customers - read our Angie's List reviews.
Our team at Dutch's Home Inspections, Dutch's Mold Inspections and Mold Remediation Services have seen too many homes throughout Northeast Ohio suffering from poorly managed flood clean-up work. Over the last 5 years the greater Cleveland area, including Cuyahoga, Lorain, Erie and Huron counties have seen massive amounts of heavy rains causing many homes to have flooded basements. June of 2015 was the 3rd rainiest June on record in Cleveland since records began in 1871! Although the team at Dutch's Mold Inspections & Remediation Services are NOT available to provide EMERGENCY flood clean-up services, we do provide scheduled, thorough basement flooding clean-up.
These ten things you should know about mold come from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and can be found here. You may have thought mold inspections, mold removal (or mold remediation) and indoor air quality would stop making headlines by now. A recent article in the Safety + Health publication discusses Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) issues in the workplace. When most people in Cleveland think of air pollution, they think of the factories and big industry that emit harmful toxins into the outdoor air.
In order for the attic exhaust vent to allow heat and moisture to exit, it must have an unobstructed opening starting with the hole in the roof deck. Someone forgot to cut the underlayment here. Yikes!
They said they were told that adding a 2nd fan in the attic would help with the ventilation. I think they miss understood.
This client was diagnosed with Mold Toxicity. This is the 1st place I looked, the HVAC humidifier and PVC pipe. Samples were taken and sent to the lab.
Is Moldy Cheese the best way to catch Mice?
Another large project that need our services. 3 day's of Sanitizing due to all of the rainy weather.
Mold can grow on the Fiberglass panels installed by waterproofing companies. Mold can also grow on Asbestos pipe wrap and HVAC ductwork.
Just finished Sanitizing this project in Columbus.
If you have Mold on the walls and windows in your house you most likely have way too much moisture/humidity in the house.
I have seen a lot through out the years but never fans and a de-humidifier in a attic in the Winter, or anytime.